Yoga for Stress Relief
Stress, fear, anxiety – if we start counting all these moments in the life where we lived these emotions, we would definitely lose count! Whether you’re Concerned about the outcome of an exam or our parents’ reaction to the report card; stressed about a job interview – we all experienced these moments. A little fear is normal; in fact, it’s necessary to be disciplined, focused and dynamic.
Stress becomes a problem when this it becomes persistent and intimidating to the point of interfering in our daily lives. So, it becomes an anxiety disorder, an excessive state of unease, worry or fear of the unknown, which needs to be treated, and that’s where yoga can help.

The principle of yoga is based on the belief that the body and mind are closely related and that it is therefore possible to achieve greater spiritual awareness by combining breathing exercises and body movements. In addition to its many benefits, yoga can effectively fight against stress.
Regular practice can help you stay relaxed and calm in your everyday life. With this serenity, you will have the strength to face the difficulties and challenges of everyday life. The practice of yoga includes many activities such as postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas) and meditation. Anxious people find much comfort and can face life positively. If regular yoga practice is beneficial to the body and mind, there are postures that you can easily perform at home or in the office, as soon as you feel stressed and feel the need.
Here is a series of Yoga postures to relieve tension in 5 minutes.
(Utkatasana) to Warm Up
How to improve blood circulation?
This posture helps concentration and evacuates physical tension. It’s like pretending you’re sitting on a chair:
- Stand with your feet together, bend your knees while pushing the buttocks back,
- Raise your arms above your head in the extension of the back, hands joined,
- Keep the position and count 3 full breaths while squeezing the abs and keeping the heels on the ground.
- This posture stretches the back and helps oxygenate the brain and chase nervous tension.
(Padahasta Asana) to Relieve Tension
- Stand with your feet together, shoulders are low, arms are in the air,
- Take a breath and exhale, lower the head and the bust until the fingers touch the ground (if need bend the knees),
- Go back slowly while inhaling,
- Repeat 3 to 6 times make sure to keep your stomach tight during exercise.
(Vrksasana) to Improve Your Balance
Become aware of your breath during exercises.
- This posture allows you to focus your attention on how to balance your body.
- Standing, feet together, place the right foot inside the left thigh (on the knee or ankle if it is too difficult),
- Join your hands together and look ahead,
- Keep the position and take 3 full breaths and change legs.
(Marjarasana) to Relax the Back
A morning exercise that helps fight fatigue. This posture is perfect for developing respiratory and flexibility, it stretches the back muscle and helps relieve pain.
- Stand on all fours, such that your back forms a table top and your feet and hands from its legs.
- Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor, and your hands should be placed flat on the floor, right under your shoulders. Your knees should be placed hip-width apart.
- Look straight ahead.
- Inhale and raise your chin as you tilt your head backwards. Push your navel down and raise your tailbone. Compress your buttocks. You might feel a tingling sensation.
- Hold the pose for a few breaths. Breathe long and deep.
- This asana is a combination of two movements. The countermovement is as follows: Exhale and drop your chin to your chest as you arch your back and relax your buttocks.
- Hold this position for a few breaths. Then, go back to the tabletop position.
- Do the movement and countermovement about five to six times before you come to a halt.
And for those who have no time to go to a yoga class, or to practice at home, some positions can be practiced during a work break. Sitting on your chair all day will have negative effects on your body and mind. Your back will suffer the consequences. To counter the negative effects, stretch one arm after another, keeping your feet flat on the ground. The rest of the body does should not move move.
Then, stretch your arms and grab your chair with both hands. The muscles in your back will relax gradually. Finally, bend your head between your legs, trying to go as far as possible.
And, remember, whatever yoga posture you choose to relax, it will not be complete without calm and controlled breathing.